Are You Rejoicing Today?

by Pastor Ken  


Are You Rejoicing Today?

David said "No wonder" you ever say that? You know, it is that moment you realize something amazing right? The whole picture becomes clear and you get it, you stop take a breath and say "No wonder!"

David's heart was glad and he rejoiced because He understood that God had his back. He understood that His blessings and favor came from God, that even what He had God provided and watched over.

Three truths about God to make you say "No Wonder!" today:

1. God provides all that you need (so plug into Him.)
2. God watches over all that He has provided for you ( so trust Him.)
3. God brings direction and clarity to your life (so walk with Him.)

Today I hope that like me you are Rejoicing and that your Heart is Glad and that you had a "No Wonder" moment.

No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice.
My body rests in safety. ~Psalm 16:9

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