Jesus In Your Boat

by Pastor Ken  

Dear God, 

I have been in a big storm lately and it becomes easy to focus on the exterior things, when I look from the outside; often, the only thing I can see  is the wind, the rain and the waves crashing over me.  But it is then that this still small voice that whispers, "I am here, I am with you, I am in your boat."  Your words resonate in my mind " I will never leave nor forsake you;" and I find comfort in the words that you gave me below, on a most difficult day.   I use them to remind me that you are in my boat, that you have "good"  plans for me and my life, plans for a better life, better than the one I could plan for myself, that you see my tears, my struggles and my heart and not one misses your eye.                                                                      

Thank you for reminding me when you are in the boat there are certainties...

When the waters rise..
- and they will!
When the storms rage...
- and they will!
When there doesn't seem to be a way out..
- and there is!!!!

Just look for Jesus in your boat and know that where He is, there is an abundance of certainties.

Certain that you will get to your destination!
Certain that you will get there in one piece
Certain that you will get there stronger and better than when you began your journey

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. ~Isaiah 26:3



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