I Will, Wait & No

by Pastor Ken  

We often find it hard when we experience life, or when we pray for something why we don't see resolve quickly. The Bible says that God is an on time God (Ecclesiastes 3:11.) Because His wisdom and His understanding are beyond us and what we can comprehend, He knows the following in regards to our lives:

1. He knows when something is right for us.
2. He knows what is best for us.
3. He knows what will damage us.

Because He knows the following is true: 
(Psalm 84:11 Says God withholds no good thing from us that means that He only withholds the things not good for us.)

1. When the time is right His answer is ( I WILL )
2. When we are not ready to handle it ( WAIT )
3. When its not good for us or will destroy our lives ( NO )

Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways!
ROMANS 11:33

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