Modern Tools For Pastor / Leaders
The free Logos iPad app for Bible study wherever you go, I have a paid library but the free one comes with the following features:
Check out more detail on the features:
Anyway I use this all the time for studies, reading plans and more. It has great tools in the iPad you can touch and highlight a word and lookup the definition or do a word study on that particular word, all at the tip of your finger. You can do inductive bible studies, you can highlight anyway that helps you understand the word best. I am not going to tell you how to study but I am going to tell you that this is a good tool, and I have only scratched the surface.
Nuber 2 on my list Dropbox is one of my favorite apps. This tool is essential for productive people of the 2oth century, it allows for you to store 2GB of data for free and acceess it anywhere you have internet connectivity. Note: You can get extra free space just by getting your freinds to join.
Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. You can organize, share and store virtually any file type. They do have a file upload limit of 300 MB, but for the most part I have had no issues as most of the files I utilize in the service are not this big.
I use this app on my iPad, iPhone, Mac and PC, I store pictures, sermon notes, reciepts, pdf's and more.
The great thing about this app is that allows me to colloborate with other people.
Lets say I have 12 small groups that I want to get the current material for their groups to them. I can place it into my small group leader folder for the current week and then with a couple clicks I can have a link in email to my group leaders and they can have access immediately to the material.
Not only can you store files but you can use it to sync your files between your office, home, school and all of your devices.
Be sure to check it out... its FREE click here:
Number 3 on my charts is EverNote.
This is yet another awesome collaborative app that allows you to create or attach word documents, pdf, text files, html and more; you can clip web pages with this plugin (WebClip Link.) and send them to your notebook to read later. For me thats an awesome feature; I can't tell you how many times I have been reading a blog or on a website where I saw a quote, or some material I wanted to save, this makes that process so much easier.
Not only can you attach paper notes but you can record audio and attach it. They also have other apps that collorate with this app, you can see those in the evernote trunk: Trunk
Check them out here, and again it's FREE:
I have more to come but these apps are on my top 3. Watch this blog post for more in the future...