Power In The Name

by Pastor Ken  

Ever have ask someone with connections for a favor? When you get to where your going, all you need to do is tell the person that so-and-so sent you for it and Wallah! you get what you need, the door is open.

Well here in John 16:24 Jesus tells His disciples to do just that, He says just "ASK" in my name, use me as your reference, test it and see that it won't open doors, but don't be surprised when you are rejoicing. 

People we must be
A - Asking always for Jesus to move in our lives
S - Seeking His power and His presence in our lives
K - Knocking down the barriers that stand between me and His Purposes

Why because there is power in the name of Jesus.

Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy. John 16:24b

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